Trouble (also know as Frustration board game) was launched in America on 1965. Frustration board game or Trouble was developed by Kohner Brothers and manufactured by Irwin Toy Ltd. The concept of Frustration game was inspired by the Indian game called Ludo.
Trouble or Frustration game is a easy board game for two to four players that requires a Special board containing a pop dye roller called pop-o-matic. The goal of the game is to be the first players to move all four of your piece from home to finished.
How to play Trouble the board game
Who goes first
Each players rolls the die by pressing the pop-o-matic once, the player who rolls the highest number goes first. Play then continue to the left of the starting players.
Let's start the game
Each player selects four pieces of one colour and places them in the matching color home. On your first turn you must roll a number six to move one of your pieces out of home into start, on the playing track you roll only one time on each turn. If you do not roll the six on your turn you cannot move any of your piece. Wait until your next turn to try again, once you roll a six move one of your starting pieces into start. Six earns the player in additional role.
This game does not have a penalty for multiple sixes in a row. You can move the piece and start on the playing track the number of spaces shown on the dice always move your piece clockwise are on the playing track. You must count each space you move whether it is empty or full. When you roll a six you can either move a new piece up to start or move a piece already in the playing track then roll again if you roll any other number move one of your piece already in the playing track. If your piece lands on a space that already has an opponent's piece returns to its home and must all over again. If another player's piece is in your start space when you roll a six and want to move your piece out of home that player's piece is sent back to home and you move your piece into start.
If your piece is in your start space when you roll a six you can not bring a new piece out, you must use the six to move a piece already in the playing track. You can not land on your own piece.
Finish line
When a piece has moved once around the Frustration game board it enters it's matching colour finish line. A piece cannot go around the board more than once. A piece can only enter finish line if the exact number required to get into one of the finished spaces is roll. Pieces in finish line are safe from other players pieces because no player can move into another players finish line. Piece can move within a finish area only in the direction of the arrows and by the exact count of the die.
How to win the game?
The players who moves all his or her piece into the finish first wins. Remaining players continue played to determine the second, third and fourth place finishers.
This article is about rules and instructions to play Frustration board game.
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